
Friday, April 19, 2013

30 Min. Muscle Building Workout

Are you looking to gain muscle but are short on time at the gym?  Here is a 6 day workout plan that I have used over and over again.  By working two opposite muscle groups you can get more done by super-setting and resting 1 minute in between each set.  For example.... on an arms day you can do 1 set of biceps, rest 1 min, 1 set triceps, rest 1 min, 1 set biceps, rest, triceps, rest. etc etc etc.....   That gives you the opportunity to do 3 sets of 3 different biceps exercises and 3 sets of 3 different triceps exercises....  If you stick to the 1 min rest time you can get this workout done in a half hour and it kicks your butt!  Again the key is that you are switching back and forth between 2 muscle groups.

Day 1 - Arms (triceps & biceps)

Day 2 - Legs and Shoulders

Day 3 - Back and Chest

Day 4 - Arms

Day 5 - Legs and Shoulders

Day 6 - Back and Chest

Day 7 - Rest

Below is the protein powder I have used for the last few years.... Works great!

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