3-2-1 METHOD
First you need to start off with a nice coat of rub on your ribs. You can buy a pre made mix or make your own. Both work very well. After I remove as much fat trimmings as I can from my ribs I give them a nice thick layer of rub. I myself make my own mix of paprika, brown sugar, chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper, granulated garlic, and cayenne pepper. After you have let the rub soak in for 30 minutes atleast it is time to put them on the smoker (you can just use a regular charcoal grill if you want) for 3 Hours.
(step one of the 3-2-1)
(step one of the 3-2-1)
Make sure to get a really nice smoke on them at about 250 degrees. After 3 hours take them out and they should be starting to break away from the bone. Now its time to bake them for 2 hours at 250 degrees in the oven in tin foil. (step 2 of 3-2-1) I like to use agave, sugar, and margarine layered on the tin foil to keep the meat moist.
Fold up your tin foil and throw those bad boys in the oven.
After 2 hours remove them from the foil.
Now it is time to grill them for 1 hour to get that grill flavor and also baste your sauce from the tin foil on top of them every 15 minutes. (step 3 of 3-2-1) 6 hours all together you will have amazing tasting ribs!
I think I may need to purchase this rib rack below before I make another batch!
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